Sunday, April 27, 2008

Excellent example of the Nebraska Supreme Court's use of the "absurdity" method of statutory interpretation: An agricultural services company sued the personal representative of an estate for its past due account. J.R. Simplot Co. v. Jelinek, S-06-666, 275 Neb. 548The Nebraska Supreme Court agreed with the estate's personal representative that the agricultural services company missed its deadline to file suit against the estate. The services the company provided to the estate's farming operations were not "administrative expenses" that do not have a four month limitation period on them because these expenses arose from the contract between the company and the personal representative. Section 30-2485(b)1 includes contracts with the personal representative in the claims subject to the four month deadline. The Nebraska Supreme Court falls back on the "absurdity" argument, " If this court were to adopt Simplot’s reasoning—that the services in question should be considered administration expenses—then § 30-2585(b)(1) (sic) would be rendered virtually meaningless." Indeed, there is no 30-2585(b)1 in my code book.

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