Saturday, July 02, 2005

Nebraska will oppose Muni broadband access

The debate over whether localities can treat Internet access like telephone service and cable TV has reached the Hill, where two bills -- one backing cities' efforts to provide WiFi, the other protecting the telecom industry's interests -- are set on a collision course. Some municipalities across the country have moved to make broadband internet access available to all citizens. Large telecom companies have opposed these efforts. The Wall Street Journal noted that the telecom industry is relying on old-fashioned "lobbying muscle" to oppose municipal access. The industry effort is meeting with some success. In June 2005 the governors of Colorado and Nebraska signed into law bills that restrict government telecom initiatives.LB645, 2005 In NEBRASKA P UBLIC S ERVICE C OMMISSION, V. N EBRASKA P UBLIC P OWER D ISTRICT, ET AL., INTERVENORS-APPELLEES. ___N.W.2d___ Filed March 19, 1999. No. S-97-1367. The Nebraska Supreme Court held that the Public Service Commission did not have jurisdiction over the Power District's providing internet connections through its electric lines.

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